My Mandy
The days can be long The afternoons, longer I can forget who I am sometimes And at times, the doubts can get stronger But your name on my screen And your voice on the phone Are enough to reel me back in This, I'll always know You remind me I'm strong I'm worth it I'm fine You clear up the fears and doubts in my mind You give me time and space When I need it the most And you're there for me When I feel lost and alone You back me up, affirm my feelings You give me a boost of confidence When my own is fleeting You hold my hand, make me try new things You cheer me on as I stretch my wings You make me scream and laugh Jump and dance I can't think of anyone Who can do all of that Most of all, you're a powerful impact on my life An influence I'll always have You're the greatest friend I've ever known And I just wanted to tell you that Though we may not see each other every day And may not talk every night Even though you are states away You're a light in my cloudy life So happy birthday And I'll see you soon Mandy, I dedicate this poem to you