My Magic Boots
I got some boots
for a Merry Christmas
they are short and green
just what I wanted
The boots, they match my college jacket
I love to match
I will look so cute
walking on campus
They are rubber
they smell new
when I put them on to walk in the rain
I felt invincible.
I didn't have these boots last year
next year I will be at Tulane
how did I walk in the rain
these boots
I must've walked carefully
like a child
navigating through a life made more complicated by the never-ending puddles
But with these boots
I am invincible.
I thank my mother
for my magic boots
along with everything else she has done
to get me to this point
last Christmas I couldn't stand in the puddles
But this year I can.
I am moving away soon
But with my magic boots
can do