My Heart's Villian
My Heart’s Villain
One of secrets I am
Like a mole, my numerous chambers
Are elusive to you
like still water
My current runs deep
For I shall not so easily bestow upon you
The very key to my closet of deceits, flaws and utter disgraces
Infantile steps at first my mind told me
For first love is not easily eroded from memory
But it took you mere moments to evade
My subconscious which I presumed was well guarded after years of adolescent maltreatment
You broke down every wall and slayed every beast on post
But why take that all away when you knew you would leave me in desperate search for a wall builder and beast of fire & claw
You knew
First memories were a charm nothing but persistent adoration for my prince charming
You were exactly that to me…so why change the script and play the role of villain
My first thoughts in the morning were of you
As if you were the sunrise
Last thoughts were you as well-sunset
The alpha of my emotions -the owner
The very second I granted you the complete welcome into my trust
You spat on it, chewed it up and spat on it
However by now I was already enslaved
Your words and promises my whip – kept me in check, in line and in order
On call was I
I had never known such powerful emotion as when I fell for you
You let me bring I love you into this! And I had learned prior to you
Don’t fall easy! Not even daddies stick around
I didn’t want you to be my dad! I wanted a best friend!
I thought I found that in you! You said I love you, too.+
Do you not realize or even remember how many times I let the gates open wide to my heart I let you in because you were the first person I actually trusted with all my secrets- you abused that trust
I understand celibacy was not easy for you I wanted you more than that … sex is below the level of love I wanted to experience you –thank you for respecting my virginity
That you didn’t ruin and I thank God for that because the wreck that has been me for the past months would have ceased to exist
The emotions of you being able to move on while still stringing me along like a fish on a hook was enough to unhinge my heart from my arteries and cease to beat
Multiple times you relinquished me from position of Ms. J. Harris, you think I would give up .. I wish I had for all the tears and gut wrenching pain involved in the end of the relationship surpass the loving memories I wish lasted forever
I don’t know what your agenda consisted of but mine involved you.
So every time you dubbed me yours again I hastily adhered
Being in your arms was the only drug I had ever been addicted to
As you laid your head to my foliage and could hear my heart beat- could you not hear or did you not understand what my heart was telling you I love you!
Your lips to mine wrote the most intimate poem and inscribed it into my heart
The heart does not listen to the mind the heart is an immature volatile creature of impulse
She must be trained
But oh, my darling foolish heart was not yet cultured in the ways of men, to see past your façade
Easily she welcomed you into my midst
Your voice, soft touch and smile
Dissipated the knees of my heart
Your smile was my smile
I swear to you
You had me
But oh this whimsical heart of mine
Did not permit me vision
To the fact that for you it was
Not the same
Darling, to you I gave nearly me in total
Why did you take down my defenses again?
On account of you I know how it feels to be in fetal position
Weak, vulnerable and tearing up from the very inside of my being
that kind of crying torments the will
the will to look forward
you left me in a stupor of emotions
I received no closure from thee
Why me?
As I recall your tears and sadness fell on my shoulders and my heart
But you did not leave easy !
You let me consider me as at fault!
I begged for answers
Came at you bare-skinned and despairing
I just needed answers…
Oh, But you would not relinquish me so easy
Nor did I relinquish you so easy
The mind is right first love does not easily disperse from memory
I spent nights killing my self
Thinking of you
But as you told me, you easily put memories aside of me
I tried moving on just as easily as you had
But that is not possible
Thought of you soon killed
My new spark
And on once again there I was …weak and stumbling over my own feet
Ahh.. Who am I to say you should be woeful
Go along forget about me
For the passions of love and defeat
Continue to consume me
But know this they will rejuvenate me
I will not forget you the
wounds you bestowed upon me become scars unforgettable memories
murder is what you committed
but the pain I feel is not from the slashes of your blade
but from being so close
I gave you me!
Murder is death and death is not forever
It is a new start
My dearest villain don’t give back what you took
I am establishing new and better elements