My Happiness of Life
People, Friends, Family
Cartoons, Memories...Each and every day one of these things or people make me smile, laugh, or grateful. I'm grateful for all things. I'm grateful for the ability to communicate my thoughts and speak freely. I'm grateful to hear and be able to say I am alive. I may be down, I may be hurt, but I am alive. I'm happy for you because you are here and you have found a place to be yourself. A place to share with others secret things about yourself.
Going places, hanging with friends....each and everyday I make memories that will bring me happiness.
Living in the midst of diversity makes me happy. Hearing, seeing, and perceiving makes me happy. Reading definitely makes me happy. Listening to the music of life makes me elated! Life is the source of happiness. Good, Bad, ugly, heartbroken or lost. It's all beauty and happiness.
Being human and being a part of this makes me happy. Being myself and knowing that I'm weird, an outsider, and that makes my story my own without a question makes me happy.
Possibility, Stories, and Love make me happy.
What about you? Who are you? What makes you happy?