My Eyes, They Burn
My eyes
They burn
My mind
It hurts
Beating at my heart
Making my heart not want to beat
Stop it
Please, stop it
I just want to survive this world
I just want to survive this world
And then she came
The stability, the peace
The wonder, the care
She was unique in my life.
There is hope
Though my day-to-day is at stake
I hope my life will be good
And one day I'll be free
Free to care
To love
To help.
Because right now, that's hated.
I struggle and I stumble
And it is oh so hard
But life is not pointless
I make my own meaning
And when others hate it
Hate me for who I am
Hate me for being scared,
Or lost,
Or forgotten,
Or timid,
Or careful,
Or caring,
Or kind,
Or giving,
Or loving,
When others hate when I'm like that
I question why
Should I change?
Should they change?
They hated me,
So maybe I should change,
Because I have never hated them.