My Drug
Norepinephrine, Dopamine, and Phenylethylamine,
Are just regular chemicals,
But put them together you get
That heart pumping, roller coaster feeling
Is Norepinephrine, or Adrenaline.
That elated, butterfly feeling
Is Dopamine.
That dizziness when the One is around
Is Phenylethylamine.
These exotic chemicals are destructive.
These chemicals give unbelievable sensations,
That come with consequences like:
Schizophrenia, extreme paranoia, and insanity.
Enjoy the good parts of love,
Let love be part of life,
For a life without love
Is something not worth living.
Love gives an indescribable, unique feeling
That that One person can make a person feel.
Love is a part of life
That makes a person happy and whole.
Instead of doing drugs,
A person should fall in love
For love is the equivalent of a drug.