My Bucket List
Everywhere I turn
I see filters all around.
Always "improving."
Everything is now
made to be society's
version of beauty.
Auto tuned voices
and photo shopped images
contradict themselves.
They aim to make things
better than they were before,
but instead cause pain.
My self-esteem runs
a high risk of being hurt
every single day.
Am I beautiful?
What do people think of me?
Am I good enough?
The definition
of beauty is now something
Something I can't reach
no matter how hard I try.
Now it's perfection.
What if I chose to
dispose of all things filtered?
What would life be like?
All my radios
only playing live music.
It sounds beautiful.
All of my photos
posted without a filter.
They are beautiful.
All of my worries
of what people think of me
are disappearing.
Without the filters,
looking like I just woke up
wouldn't bother me.
I could stop caring
about how big my hair is
on a bad hair day.
I could wear tank tops
that show off my farmer's tan
and be proud of it.
I wouldn't have to
feel ashamed of the HUGE zit
that's on my forehead.
I could sing any
song without having to care
about being flat.
I could shout out loud
all the things that I believe
are overrated.
I could look into
the mirror without giving
a thought to my weight.
I could make known all
of my awkward little quirks
that I keep hidden.
I could let people
see the real me who's been too
scared to show herself.
I could finally
feel free from everything that
life has forced on me.
I hope that someday
I can take back what the world
has taken from me.
I am beautiful,
and there's no need to put a
filter on my life.
I don't need to keep
improving myself when there's
nothing to improve.
The definition
of beauty isn't perfect.
It is simply me.