The mouse
I’m a mouse
Always have been
It doesn’t take much for me to hide in my little home
Where I am safe from the daggering eyes
Or judgmental looks of others
But sometimes I get fed up
Tired of the loud footsteps that diminish my tranquility
That destroy everything good and pure in my eyes
And I am overcome with anger
Every fiber in my being wants to yell
Tell them what they’re destroying
But I’m a mouse
So I don’t speak up
There comes a time when this mouse
Gets exhausted over hiding in her hole
A time when this mouse contemplates
Who she is and if she matters at all
I am deciding that I can't keep
flinching over every loud footstep
or Every crack made in my little home by others
What would happen if I stepped out?
If I realized that my now shattered hole was a
False sense of security?
That the world cannot currently
Be as it ought to be?
It does no good to stay in the hole
Imagining a perfect world
Free of pain, loss, hate
Stepping out of the hole would mean pain
It would mean so much rejection and hurt
But what if it brought something else?
What if crawling out of my hole meant
That I could have giant footsteps too?
But they wouldn’t destroy everything in their path
What if there were flowers growing with every step
And every area was left a bit better
Just because I wanted it bad enough
What if crawling out of my hole
Meant that I could love and love
Without limitation?
What if fixing all that I was afraid of
Caused me to dust off my heart
And finally being able to be someone
able to make a difference in the world?
There will come a time when I
will stop living quietly
And I will slowly begin to speak up
I will speak up against hurtful spouts of racism
And mental health stigma
I will speak up for my best friend
who happens to like the same sex
I will speak up for all that matters
and pretty soon, all those
loud footsteps won't bother me
so much because I'll know my purpose
And that is to leave a mark
And to leave the world better
than it was when I arrived