I write a lot of poems Much about love and mild despair, But when referring to such love, What do I mean, I’ll make it clear, I speak of love, I want but lost, Love that will, extremely cost, Me mostly emotionally, But I have failed to mention, A love so great, I can stand on any fear, A love that is so big, So strong, I can do anything when it is near, When going through the hardest times, My roots of emotion, all gone to dry, The days on which the slightest wrong, Can make one go and cry, On these days, there is a love, A love that keeps me still, A love not wanted and underappreciated, Giving out of pure will, This love can make you, Think twice about a choice that’s right or wrong, This love is the judgment held, To build a base that’s strong, A love of motivation, Recreation and peace, A love of calm benevolence, That seems to make all cease, Makes you get up, After failing, again and again, One that makes you feel, Like you always have a friend, Love that when no one is there, Or was there, still it remained, One that will never lose color, Or ever become feigned, A love that if ever broken, As ridiculous as it may seem, Will leave a river of tears, All spilling in a stream, A kind of emotion, Blessed by the God above, The one true emotion, I know, Is of my mother’s love.