Modern Day Past
I don’t want to do life today
So I think I’ll just lie here
I’ll be a Neo-Nietzsche
Since life won’t do me either
What good is a body
That only sees despair
It’s not white or phallic
We’re not allowed to have hair
I’d rather be in the forest
Hermits have the life
I’ll be a Neo-Thoreau
Since no one will find me there
I don’t understand today
Life goes too fast
So I wonder about the wild
And I figure evolution did right
I’m not afraid to die
The fascination of decay
I’ll be a Neo-Dickinson
Since I’d otherwise go insane
I wonder why it’s strange for me
To stay locked in my room
An introvert’s perspective
Can be twice the worth to boot
What can I do to combat
An unjust way of living
To recede inside clustered words
That can form an ultimate meaning
So I think I’ll just be alone
To stew in my own toils
Since I cannot relate to today
I’ll relate to my former spoils