Mirrior Mirrior
Mirrior, mirrior on the wall who's the fakest of them all?
With the title of fairest claimed
My true identity has long been chained
My voice no longer has meaning
It counts for nothing
My imagination was stifiled by the prison I've been sentenced to for fourteen years
I'm the real victim in tears
Stolen from me was real passion
Manipulation is the new art form don't you know?
Duck, dodge, dive
It's not like you'll get out alive
I'm choking on the expectations and rules shoved down my throat
Be perfect it's not like it's impossible
Just wake up unreasonably early
Just be on varsity
Just study for hours on end
Oh and don't forget to figure out the rest of your life
Whispers flow steadily like a stream
The rumors are incessant
If your name isn't among the elite you're a peasant
Consider yourself lucky if no one knows your name in a class of eighty-two
The caste system is no longer socially accepted
If you're as ignorant as most educated educators you'll believe that too
Mirrior mirrior on the wall go ahead and ignore me
Dear old daddy has that perfected to a T
Feelings are for the faint hearted anyway
I can't say I'll miss his voice or his hugs
I'll miss his presence
All he gave us was his essence
There was never anything to say
Too bad I have so much to say