Meteor Shower
I think when the earth was young a meteor from somewhere in the cosmos crash landed on the surface, exploding for miles and miles, And ever since then the pieces have been traveling through water and air over land and sea, or through anything that breathes. Trying to find their way back to each other. And I can’t help but feel like those pieces culminated in us.
Because there is no other way to explain why I need you this badly.
Why I can’t stand the thought of spending any more time without you.
And there is no amount of words that will ever be able to express what it means to be human, but I think it feels like heartbreak.
To lose something this instinctual
To let go of something so familiar
Like when your favorite boots begin to cut into your soles
But you try to wear them anyway
To remember a better time.
How I kept my love letters to you on VHS tapes, but they don’t make VHS players anymore.
How every time we had sex, I’d forget why I wanted to break up in the first place, but with the rising of a new sun I always remembered.
And I hate how I always remember
I hate having to be the one to end my relationships, because no one else can seem to look me in the eyes and tell me they don’t love me anymore.
As if I believed them when they said it in the first place.
And I can’t look back at the time when I loved you without feeling sad,
But Isn’t that always how it goes
Letting pieces of yourself go
Little by little
Like dandelions in the wind
Until you wake up to find nothing left
And where do you go from there?
You see it took losing myself to finally realize how irreplaceable I am.