It’s the beginning
Born the same, life is simple
Why would there be hate?
But the winds change
Clouds turn black with jealousy
And the cold descends
Eyes stare with hatred
Darkness thrives in all their hearts
They want to cause pain
They rip at her hopes
Her dreams crushed beneath their feet
They taunt her darkness
She is so very scared
She does not want to give in.
She wants to be strong.
But how can she be?
When she is alone and scared?
Ready to give up….
But warmth and light heal
Her heart and absorb her tears
Reassuring, love.
Get up, dry your face
Never give into the dark
We are here for you
Stand up, love, and stretch
We will heal those broken wings
It’s your turn to fly.
Change will always come.
Good things will always take time.