Merry Christmas
I’m not really over what happened,
No. I’m moreso, well,
How do I put it?
From, not just the fighting;
It’s much more than that.
Yes, I think— now really—I think
It’s the fundamental, to the core
Conflict in the world today.
Yes, conflict; between
He, She, They, Them, Those, and—and
Everyone in between.
I feel that sometimes the battle
Isn’t worth fighting;
That maybe, perhaps just maybe
We could save our ammunition.
The hatred, the utter hatred is
Really, I confess, what I can't STAND.
Because, look, see, when we
Put each other on trial
For opinions and differences in thoughts
We fight the wrong battles, listen!
We can not continue
Bashing each other, no listen!
See, no, but you aren’t listening!
I don’t really care
Where you came from, and,
You know, all that.
I just care… about…
How should I say?
What you do now, here.
With the time and the energy
That you have today,
What do you do; what do you say?
To someone you love?
To someone you hate?
Anyways, just
Think about it, will you?
Consider what you do,
Because there’s no longer an excuse.
Be kind and mindful.
Merry Christmas.