Nobody can see the light in my life.
How Magick overtakes everything
That I do every second.
I look over lands so vast
And oceans so calm
Reminding me of a time
When everyone was happy
I can still remember the way they looked
When Magick surrounded them
In everything they did
Making them look breathtaking
She would dance around while the
Fire leapt into the sky and
Licked at her hair
Catching in the wind
And fading into the night
The trees and nymphs would laugh
As he grabbed my hand and
Led me through the overgrowth
Lights twinkling around us
Without a care in the world
Crystals of a thousand colors
Would shine brighter than a thousand suns
As you would tell me your story
About all of your adventures
Across the world
The smell of old books and dust
Filled the air in that well-known room
She would speak of Demons and Angels
Like they were all her friends and family
Rambling on about how envious she was of me
Babbling brooks and rivers float in the sky
The same waterfall we have always known
Twists and turns with his moods and gestures
Giggling when it drenches him when he gets too excited
Just as it always has every time before
Magick surrounds them in everything they do.
Taking every shape and form
I wish I could revisit those memories
Even if just for a moment.
As the wind carries the leaves across my path
I recall the trees swaying and laughing in the breeze
How we would watch her dance like fire in the night
Those crystals that would cast a story to watch
The books that would always have that same nostalgic smell
And those rivers that twisted and turned within the sky
I promise I won’t forget, nor will I forget all of your stories
Even when I finally turn to ash.