Magic is like the stars
Stars are like the sea
Seas are like flowers
Flowers are like cities
Cities are like dogs
Dogs are like humans
Humans are like the earth
And the earth is dying
Magic is like breathing
Breathing is like water
Water is like an anima
An animal is like the sky
The sky is like a mountain
A mountain is like a tree
A tree is like a car
And the car is dying
Magic is like colors
Colors are like eyes
Eyes are like books
Books are like fires
Fires are like houses
Houses are like fields
Fields are like creeks
Creeks are like the bees
And the bees are dying
Magic is like the river
The river is like the forest
The forest is like the deer
The deer is like the snow
The snow is like the heart
the heart is like the rain
The rain is like me
I am dying