Love Struck Fool
Flowing words of love flow like music for you
Your barbed phrases tearing my defenses
Steal my light, my hope
Take it for yourself since I wouldn't mind it since it's you
I would give it all; I'd rip myself bloody
All to make sure you end up on top
How ironic it is that I can care for you
When it's obvious you hold no emotion other than disdain
Yet though this is so I can't help but notice that you're my consistent shadow
Always there underfoot, undermining all my efforts
It brings you great pleasure to see others hurt
To watch them cry out in pain as you stand above the carnage
Everything about you should repel me
Yet I'm drawn to you like a moth to flame
I know what will happen; I know the consequences
Yet my heart won't listen to my gut
My body in chaos with you plaguing my mind
Can't seem to rid myself of this virus
Systems all corrupted yet I'm fighting
Fighting against the inevitable chasm that will swallow me
I cringe from what the future will be but I can't help but wait for it to come
The day when I will be one with you even if it means my destruction
Don't you see how much of a love struck fool I am?
It's all thanks to you that I'm this way now
I'm your love struck fool