Love Letters
My Dearest Love,
How is it that one person so entirely enraptures another?
You make my soul feel light and give my heart a reason to flutter!
The worries I once had seem to melt away at the smile you give me,
The lips with which you kiss me, with which you whisper "I am amazed at your beauty".
Your soul has touched mine and from it a great fire has begun!
It blazes brighter than any star and hotter than the bluest of flames!
You have shown me that it is alright to live... that new life has sprung!
With Love- You already know my name.
My Dearest Love,
How is it that one person so entirely confounds another?
You make my soul feel weak and make my heart quake and shiver.
The worries I once though were gone have returned to me,
The lips with which you kissed me, now whisper "Slut, you're a waste of time and nothing to me".
Your soul has touched mine and from it a fire rages on.
It blazes bright like the sun, blinding and painful, oppressive in its heat.
You have shown me that it is alright to live, but do I really want life to go on?
With Love- The one you sometimes beat.
My Dearest Love,
How is it that one person may keep a life from being complete?
You have shattered my soul and made my heart cease to beat.
I have no worries any longer, you have taken them away from me.
The lips you used to whisper with are now used to bargain for a chance to be free.
Your soul and mine, they made a chemical explosion.
It blazed bright, too bright, and burned away the stars, burned away the sun.
You showed me that it was alright to live, and then you were the one to ensure I was gone.
With Love- The life taken by the barrel of your gun.