Love Hurts
Asleep on the couch, waiting for your return,
Hoping for the best, fearing the worst,
As the door unlocks and the knob creaks, I turn,
A smile on my face.
Stumbling on the threshold, tequila in hand
My dream is shattered, broken to pieces, as i come to terms with reality
Curled into a ball,
Feeling your fists pound me, Pulling my hair, Slapping and scratching,
And i cry out, spitting red blood, seeming to wake you
You let me go, and i drag myself upstairs as you drown
Sobbing, treating my bruises,
Yet i know that you love me, more than your life
I know that you would never hurt me
But this monster in a bottle, this encaged demon,
Makes you angry, but it's okay because
i know you love me, and
Love hurts, right?