Love That Blooms Through Long Distance Gloom
Dear Far-Away Love,
Yes, I know today is another day
with you over there and me over here
So very far away...
Yes, I know it's hard sometimes to see
all of the heartache ceasing
And a forever that consists of you and me...
Yes, I know time seems to be inching along
'till the day we meet
But with you I truly belong...
Yes, I know you are not by my side
reassuring me in everything I do
Still I feel our souls are unified...
Yes, I know our love is restricted by the phone
we cannot embrace, cannot touch
Though you make me feel less alone...
Yes, I know people won't believe it's true
that long distance never works
And there can never be a me and you...
Yes, I know we've never met face-to-face and said hello
know with every passing minute my love
My adoration for you continues to grow ❤️
-Your favorite human being