Who must you see and who must you believe the people in your mind or those who stand to breath. Who must you trust when the real person who knows you is. YOU.Try to invade my privacy trying to become something new. Lost of trust. You weren't there as I cried your names while every door slapped in my face you said you would rescue me but you were the punch to my pain. That I had to finn for myself that I pushed everyone away and don't want no one else around me...This is why
I'm doing good but I'm just trying to be here for you.
As I saw this I laughed you wanna try and save me out of the blue but one thing you can't do is stay loyal to a person who always had your back. Now I'm broken and you trying to save something you know you can't do. The number one person who I can never trust. Being the one regret I run to when I feel so useless and abandoned that you turn towards the worst of things .
I know you mad at me and I hope that you could forgive me but I really need you right now .
I bite my tongue and pushed my difference aside because I cared for you to much.You disrespect, and curse at the person you always ran to. I was always there when you need me but when it comes to me you at the bottom of my list to call. You are someone I lost a friendship with the and I'm Ok with it because you will have to understand how it feel not to have me.The person you depend on. Running to these other people but I was always there when you had no one so remember that.You cry now but I always cried and you were those tear when you hit me with those words.It surprised me to be so patient for you but now I no longer have anything else to give.
No speaking of that Mrs.Phillips no offense was a big problem with Chris.
I stopped and smiled and took the time to adjust but this by far hurt the most .I was there when you cried to me I whipped those tears when the boy you love created those tears. I was there to listen and be there by your side. I got answer while you couldn't keep a conversation without using your lips . The one who listen while others only concern was their desires. Tell me that I didn't help if it worth for me you would be lost and emotional and wouldn't have a clue what to think. I helped when other gave up, I stood up for you when you weren't in the right mindset.I was there and you say I didn't help shows how you solve something and once it comes correct you forget the ones who contribute.
Nothing was just checking on you.Why ?Because you always check on me.
I saw this and some how I thought it was granite until you didn't reply. So I thought that you didn't care about how I was doing .You did that because you felt you owed it to me after all I did for you. You try and be here because there wasn't a time that I wasn't there for you . So when you come around not because you wanna help it's because you trying to make it seem that you care but in my eyes I know you only care because I took the time to care for you. I guess we both play the as gas engine you use me until you felt complete and then you drive away leaving me in the dust ...
We sat together and as I turned my head she ran to her man and left me sitting by myself on the bus . I guess that shows true friendships .
This made me cry but I made sure no one could see .We were supposed to be in this together but she was the one to leave. I made sure I had her back when she wanted to give up towards the boy she loved. I even sacrifice being with my boyfriend just so we wouldn't get mixed up in things we try to avoid. I put her in check when she didn't stay loyal. Kept all her secret as she wanted to make a bad decision. I was in it 100% but she wasn't.
This made it hard for me to open up because I knew she wouldn't be the one I could rely on as if she always depending on me. Sometimes I'm sick of people always needing me but where are the people I need going to come for me not once in a while but constant as I was for her for EVERYBODY
You don't know the true meaning of pain and feeling forgotten.
When I saw these words I closed my door towards him the love of my life trying to be here and I push him away.But him saying that just made me feel like I can't feel how I have been feeling .Everyone in my entire life see the outside all nice and perfect but no one sees the INSIDE!!!!!! I wanted him to be one to see the inside but I guess I fear more of him judging me or knowing all of me .
These words are from a person I know very well
I decided to close up towards all the people because of these words that continue to yell in my head . Replaying back to all the people I start to bond with giving them the tools to see me for me .But they failed by the words in BOLD THAT I HELD ON TO .
the words you can never understand me
were from a girl named IMANI frightened and afraid losing trust in everyone as I evaluate each phrase from a person I care about deeply are the people who have hurt me extremely .WHO CAN I TURN TO ..
This poem is about:
My family
My community
My country
Our world