Lost at He
I begin to drown in an ocean of blue, only to realize I've forgotten my life jacket.
These eyes, they take me without invitation.
I'm sucked into a whirlpool that leads to an endless gaze.
From the moment I'm kidnapped I begin a hypnotic rotation.
In a second the current sweeps my hold on reality and I struggle against the pull.
The ocean, I'm locked, in an unknowing fixation.
The desire to dive deeper burns quietly in my core.
I hunger to know more in my desperate starvation.
But curiosity killed the cat, I choose to ignore.
My body begins to sink, being filled from utter fascination.
I can hold my breath and take a quick look around.
My fight against the pull stops without hesitation.
I let the current take me, as I go along for the ride.
I explore the light and the dark sides, along this axis of rotation.
I'm running out of air, my well's run dry.
I can no longer breath on pure exhilaration.
I've invested too much time into my exploration.
My funds have run out, I have met my expiration.
The body I once inhabited, lost at He.