Looking in the mirror
Look in the mirror
Now tell me what you see
Well, If you'd ask me
I'd say a set of small eyes
And a huge nose
And a ridiculously fat stomach
And sausage toes
And a cluster of whiteheads on my right cheekbone
But Stop
Take a minute, and look within
Realize every life you have ever touched will be forever changed
If you hadn't have gone to that party
Or to that interview
Or maybe you just so happened to pick a different place to eat that night
Or you hadn't drove a different route home that one day
None of those lives would ever be the same
These endowments are what we should be seeing
Not these physical, surface level things
But because of these
Superficial, judgemental, trivial standards
That society tells us to place upon ourselves
We don't see the greatness in us anymore
We are so focused on these absurd ideals
That we've lost focus on what is real
Now riddle me this,
What do YOU see when YOU look in the mirror?