The Little Signs
I knew it was coming some time close to now
but I didn't have a single clue how
Not even an estimation of time was given
because adulthood isn't something you can immediately step foot in
You ease into it almost like a series of initiations
and no true amount of preparation can be taken
All that can be done is to wait for the signs to start appearing
they're the first thing you notice before you become hard of hearing
It always begins with your own card of plastic
which is then used to buy anything extrinsic
But it's not the things you can order with it
yet the realization that you need to make a budget
And then there's the anxiety and the lump in your throat
from calling to inquire about a doctor's note
But then the next day the feeling is gone
and you're dialing the number with ease as you yawn
It's things like that that happen overnight
and make you feel different whether wrong or right
It's not the milestones or big purchases that make you an adult
but the little signs that make you jolt
with an understanding
that you are now