If I could take a pen,
And make the world understand,
I would,
Paint a picture of peace,
Clarity among the people.
I would make them all read,
Open their minds and see,
The sun shining through a page,
Of endless possibility.
If I could use my words,
To express a scene of bliss,
Lying in a field with a story,
Finding a new world through language,
Under a blue sky,
On the earths surface.
One with our creator,
Yet so far away.
If I could show society,
What they’re missing,
By bustling about, on their phones,
Speakers in their ears,
I would give them a good book.
Let Virginia Woolf speak her mind,
And Mary Shelley express her curiosity,
Let the world think through the greatest minds in history,
Through words on a page,
Through the souls of the forgotten.