Light From Within
Curtains are pulled for protection
To hide what we don’t want to be seen
To shade us from investigation
To protect us from reality
But is it any safer to be in the dark?
To stay in just one place?
Is it too much to give up exploring?
You’d have to argue the case
But even though we will be seen
When we decide to open the curtains
Though we may be judged, stereotyped, revealed
Only then do we allow the light in
A light that illuminates life,
Love and acceptance,
A light that can never be dimmed
By another one present
For this light is yours
If you choose to reveal it
Just as the curtains are yours
If you choose to seal it
Light can melt
And light can burn
But darkness can hide
And darkness can hurt
So pull back the curtains
And let the light in
Show them your soul
Be comfortable in your skin
Don’t take excuses
Denials, or disapproval,
For this life is your own
And I dare you to prove it
So rip down the curtains
And let the light in
Because even on a cloudy day
Your light always comes from within