Letter To My Niece


United States
33° 30' 29.9952" N, 112° 3' 23.688" W

I put you into my bed for your nap.
Tuck you in, Nick Jr on quietly.
You argue and fight and cry…
Eventually you give in to sleep,
Those little brown eyes close.
In that moment, even your little snores are cute.
I stand at the door and watch you every so often,
Not creepy or stalkerish -
A mother bear over her cub.
I walk over and kiss your forehead.
You never even stir.
My angel, forever.

You’re three now, that peaceful age
Eventually you’ll grow up,
Become a teenager
-I wish your dad luck-
Get married and have your own kids
To shelter and watch over and love
But you will still be my angel.


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