Just Confused
You are just confused
Coming out about your sexuality is just like being abused
Confessing that I'm bisexual to everyone including my family, my feelings and heart was bruised
Instead of saying I love you and still accept you, all I received was you are Just Confused
I'm going to pray for you
I just respond back saying thank you, I'm going to pray for you too
All I'm asking is to be accept and loved for who I am
I understand what the LGBTQ are going through
Being judged
Being mistreated
But yet i still hold no grudge
Being accepted and treated equally is all we needed
Jusr confused
That I'm not
Love is love
Love doesn't have a gender
I am not a pretender
This is who I am
Disown me
Disclaim me
Just don't disrespect me
It would be nice if everyone would just accept me
We all are humans
So when someone comes out as a homosexual don't be so quick to assume that this person is Just Confused