I've Had Enough
I’ve had enough
Of sitting still
And watching this world tick by
I’ve had enough
Of blinding myself
To enter oblivion
I’ve had enough
Of seeing the pain
That lurks like shadows in everyone’s eyes
I’ve had enough
Of seeing isolation
And abandonment
All for the sake of self-advancement
I’ve had enough
Of one standing over the rest
I've had enough
Of hiding behind the curtain
Lest someone should look too closely
And see the real me
I’ve had enough of reality
And our state of ignorance
That is no more real than
The man in the moon
Or the camera flash of lightning
I’ve had enough
Of everything
Of all the wrong that we assume is right
Of the demeaning of others for respect
That is not respectful
I’ve had enough
I’ve had enough
I have had enough.
Have you?