It will snow again
The day she died the snow melted (line break) A congregation of remainders (line break) sat sipping silence (line break) coloring in coloring books (line break) lines blurred through glassy eyes (line break) into messy iridescent butterfly wings on a page (line break) She had breathed in a poppyseed that caught and (line break) clotted a crimson garden (line break) and she choke choke (line break) choked on scarlet (line break) She was made of stone and fire (line break) Diamonds and stars (line break) She didn’t color in the lines (line break) She couldn’t die (line break) Aching, trembling, (line break) the earth split open (line break) like a razor ripping through satin (line break) I breathed into the abyss (line break) and called her name, (line break) Chloe? (new paragraph) When the trees bent with blossoms, (line break) we learned about limits in calculus (line break) I thought about the limits (line break) of the life of one limitless girl (line break) Her absence was an unsolvable equation (line break) A question that hummed along with my heartbeat (line break) I got dizzy (line break) with the spinning rotation of the world on its axis. (line break) Blue (line break) so blue too blue (line break) the summer sky (line break) was the color of her eyes (line break) And I doubted it would ever snow again (line break) With my stomach twisted in tangles, (line break) I could smell her rose perfume in my dreams. (line break) In the pennies of my spare change time (line break) I colored in the lines in my coloring book (line break) To forget. (line break) When the leaves changed, scraps of fire shivered in the stale air (line break) Waking up every morning I tell myself (line break) it (line break) will (line break) get (line break) easier (line break) It would snow again (line break) November nights found me (line break) laying on my back in the grass, (line break) listening to the stars sing (line break) I swallowed the atmosphere, (line break) tasting the cosmos (line break) citrus and vanilla (line break) I remembered her (line break) The days got shorter (line break) The nights got longer (line break) Driving fearless fast, (line break) I grinned at the sky (line break) I don’t color in the lines anymore (line break) It snows again