It is very hard for
It is very hard for me to pick just one person that I dedicate everything I am to
For others it might be simple
For others it might be impossible
I place myself somewhere in the middle.
In the back of my head I know who I would pick
But sometimes it's a matter of knowing if I am in some way biased
Or if my gut instinct is really correct.
It is.
My dad has always been there for me
Even if he's missed birthdays, school events, and lacrosse games because of never ending travel
I have never once questioned this.
He always keeps his cool
He always is the voice of reason
He always steers me in the right direction.
My dad lets me make my own decisions like an adult
My dad says goodnight to me every night like he has done since I was born.
I love to fish and boat like him
I decided to join the medical field because of him
I want to succeed like him.
My dad has shaped my life by allowing me to do the shaping
My dad just didn't realize I want to shape it like his.