Is It Not Real?
Two cartoony tigers,
Friends for life,
Who live in a house
That bounces all night.
Two giants,
Father and son.
One smart,
One dumb,
One is mean,
One is bullied.
A pine tree,
Big and tall,
Dances with a little girl
All day long.
What stories it could tell,
If that old,
Tall tree could talk.
A witch
Sleeps in the drains,
Waiting by the sink,
Wanting to grab you
With rusty fingertips.
Two headed monster,
Growling and clawing,
With pure hunger for food
Fresh out of the shower.
He is hungry for new power.
A bulldozer,
Who ate young kids,
Who ran from the adults,
Quivering in the corner
For hours at a time.
Young children,
Cling to their parents
And there imaginary friends
Hoping that the monsters
Wont snatch them away.
Is it not real?
It is to the children,
Who get snatched away
Daily by no other than
The one who is not real.