It’s All a Part of Someone’s Imagination
Jack O’ Lantern spooking its yellow-tinted beams of augmented light at me
Augmented reality, an alteration, no, an altercation of what is deemed to be real
By the people that my conscious mind detects and me…
Yin-yang or yin manifesting itself as yang in a powerfully yin form?
Who is casting this spell on me?
I’m swimming, sinking, floating in a sea (can you see?) of a meta-induced scene
Are you ‘you’ or are you ‘me’…
Schizophrenically immersed in mind-body interaction with my mind-imagination?
I’m lit up!
This awakening is shaking me at my core
It’s coloring my words and adding tastes to my sight and concatenating sound to my touch and….
Augmenting and…
Augmenting an enlightenment that ‘I’ am unable to fathom...
‘My’ brain is galvanized with celestial quarks and sparks
Spanning from the beginning of this universe to the end of all the rest of God’s
‘I’ can ‘see,’ finally, how small ‘I’ really ‘am’ and
How pretentious ‘I am’ for demanding to ‘see’
The origin of everything…
What a blissful nightmare that exists outside of ‘my’ conscious mind!
‘I,’ ‘I,’ ‘I’…‘i.’