Invisible Forces
What will they think of me?
What if they leave?
I can't stand being alone.
I won't stand being alone.
What if I fail?
If I can't do it, what will happen to me?
I can't do it.
I won't do it.
Does this make me look weird?
Will this make people like me more?
I can't handle rejection.
I won't handle rejection.
Will I be able to handle this?
What if I can't handle this?
I can't stop it from consuming me.
I won't stop it from consuming me.
Why is there so much to do?
Why is there so little time?
I can't get things done in time.
I won't get things done in time.
Why do I exist?
Why is my life the way it is?
I can't understand.
I won't understand.
These fears and doubts and insecurities
The feeling of pressure, anxiety, depression
Funny everybody feels this way
Yet they ridicule those who express these feelings
Why are people like this?
To fit into this world,
To fit into society,
I have to become like everyone else.
I have to suppress the invisible forces.