I'm Ready- A poem about myself
Frankly, I'm a little depressed
The world stays at rest
All while my mind races to places that don't exist
Like a place where misogyny
Doesn't disguise itself as equality
By telling me that in order to be a successful woman
I have to act like a man
Maybe it's because I'm scared of my own body
I'm not even 17 yet
And I'm a whore
Not by the amount of people that I've slept with
But by the amount of inches
That are missing from the bottom halves of my shirts
I like to show my belly button
And if that's too provocative for you
Let me tell you this:
It gets lint in it sometimes and it does this weird innie outtie thing
So don't waste your time trying to sexualize it
I'm a woman. Yes! I'm a woman
And the only time that I ever felt a part of something
Is when I read on the Internet
That all women are scared of rape
And maybe that's why I can't be myself
It's because I have to prove that I'm respectable first
And half the time people don't even give me the chance to show it
But please, let's focus on the real problems ladies
Collar bones and thigh gaps
I'll give you a gap
The amount of money men make vs. women
I'll give you a gap
The amount of lives that aren't here today
Due to suicide
That's an unfillable gap
Women, let's empower each other
Instead of slut shaming
Let's bring each other up
Instead of knocking each other down
Because that's who we really have
Each other
I know that this is supposed to be about who I am
But I feel like I can't even show who I am
So I have decided to show who people think I am
I'm Sofia Rodriguez
I'm 5'2"
Or the height that people think it's okay
To make my head Into their elbow rest
I weigh like 2 pounds
And I am way too skinny
I'm a girl but boys aren't attracted to me
So I think I might not be a girl
Because I have values and stuff
I'm from Cuba or Mexico
Or something
Oh Colombia! Yes, I'm from Colombia
Which means that I am a drug dealer
I wear way too much makeup
And when I don't I'm sick so...
I don't show my faith publicly
So therefore I worship the devil
Every Monday or whenever devil worshipers do that
That's me
And if that's not good enough for you
I suggest you give me different shoes to fill in
Because I'm ready to show the world who I really am
I'm ready to show the world That I can be more
I'm ready