I'm Just a Girl
I’m just a girl
My mind is figuratively empty
Filled with the simplicity of the mundane
My contributions to culture are like puffs of glitter
They are common though admirable and short lived
My intelligence is menial and is lacking in substance
My thoughts go unannounced and unnoticed
I’m just a girl
I am an ornament
Quietly gracing the arm of a boy
Who as it suits him bestows on me cheap compliments
Branding me his personal toy
A toy that is used for amusement
And carries the burden of his impatience with my bruises
Left in the dirt when I’m used up
I must have no complaints or excuses
I’m just a girl
My heart is an open book
It is meant to be a journal
For bits and pieces of the stories of others
For their sketches and doodles
For its pages to be ripped out and crumpled
Worn out and taken apart
Till it no longer resembles a heart
It is for renting and borrowing
For sharing and renovating
But as long as I’m alive
It is supposed to perform just fine
I’m just a girl
I believe pleasing others is the only path to admiration
My physical form must be perfection
I must control my passions at all times
My joy, my grief, my dreams, my identity I should burry
I accept the vagueness of my humanity
Because no one has taught me differently
I’m just a girl