I write for us all
Adversity invites itself into your life
No open invitation, yet it enters with such power and pride
And at times it can be paralyzing like a serpents bite
My triumph over adversity is the reason I write
My notebook is a mere reflections of tears
that stream from my crimson eyes
the ability to creatively confront my demons
and engrave my emotions with a pen and a pad
is the reason I write
I write because I have been draped in loneliness
Crowned with rejection and seared by abuse
Plagued by thoughts of suicide
why try? What’s the use?
Seen my father take his last breath with my own eyes
I’m weakened by sorrow
But I never want my adversities to be an excuse
For not sharing this God given gift to poetically reach you
I write for those whose voice is silenced by fear
Feet chained in shame
Afraid to speak out and go against the grain
I write to encourage you,
Examine your heart, release the pain
The pain from your past doesn’t have to paralyze the future that still remains
I write because poetry is my passion
Swim through my tears, travel through my bloodstream
You will reach a punctured heart that leaks compassion