I Welcome Death
I don't understand why people think I'm crazy
For wanting riddance
For wanting silence
All of this is just defiance
For wanting death to overcome me!
I desire it so just for the pain to cease
My tears to dry
My soul to fly
My heart to pry
Finally open, letting pain out and in comes peace
Mourn for those who are born to this world and celebrate those who are gone to glory
I just want you to understand me, so please listen carefully to my story
I can understand why one embraces death so very much
People are cruel
You are the fool
They use as a tool
To make you them by pulling you from sanity of which you clutch
Then there's the inerasable horrid pain that constantly repeats
Through the ripples
Of time that triples
The agony that cripples
My heart, mind, body, and soul that now I'm concrete
I didn't choose to be here, but I chose to stay this long
Why am I here?
Purpose, come here!
Is Destiny not near?
I choose my Fate and death won't any longer be prolonged
Mourn for those who are born to this world and celebrate those who are gone to glory
Do you understand what I'm saying now? If not, just listen carefully to my last story
There is no right or wrong when it comes to one's own choice of death
Society, however,
Says you should never
Or else you're not clever
To greet the Angel of Death early in life at the end of your last breath
I welcome death with a plan that I devised that's no turning back
I'll let you know
How this will go
Does death not flow?
I change my mind! I want to live! I see the Grim Reaper dressed in all black!
Mourn for those who are born to this world and celebrate those who are gone to glory
I just wanted to be understood. I regret dying early. So don't ever repeat my story.