I want
I want
To be a lawyer
Helping protect, Flora and Fauna
The natural beauties of the World
Protecting Nature, Rather than the people on the Earth.
I want
To be a Doctor
Making sickness go away faster
Using Nature to Protect, Prevent and Prosper
Show "The Mother", That we no longer, want to harm her.
Or her creations, that were meant to help us.
I want
To be a Journalist
Yes me and I wish, to hear stories
Stories of people and culture that have been passed on
Generations to Generations,
Life, Wisdom, and Education
To tell our beloved Nation
From what I learned and life's greatest equation.
I want
To Travel
Stare at the Many Marvels, Of life's creation
Stone Hedge, Aurora Borealis, The Pyramids
All of Life is waiting, for my eyes to discover
the beauty "Mother" Has left for us to Wonder
Long and Hard about its "Maker or Makers"
I Want to
My friends, this message is for you.
We may not all be meant for school
Or to dress up and be cool
The Class clown and act like a Fool
but we were all meant to be great
Leaving behind all the hate
stand up, Stand Tall, and when you fall
Stand up again
you were meant to be great
I know what I want
So what do you want
let this be something to think about