I, too, was a victim
She was just six
When he told her to fix
His dirty desire
Remove the heat of his fire
She was just nine
When she was told
To kiss him below the line
By that gigantic old
He was just ten
When he realized
A man double his age
Grabbed his thighs
And repeatedly moved in between
With his hands synchronized
I was just seven,
When the world was heaven
For me
Until I faced this adversity
The man was old enough
His hands were stout and rough
When he held my arms forcibly
While I was playing, he stopped me
He made me stand parallel to him
But made sure, there is no space
In between
He started his dirty game
He shut my mouth
So that I could not shout
He started kneading
His private parts with mine
While I was pleading
Let me go and play
But he wanted me
To play his dirty game
Luckily he was interrupted
But his face showed no shame
And he moved forward
Not like a coward
But with that zeal and whim
To make another child a victim