So many years- I said and I said
don't touch me daddy- I'm out of my head
you use your lies- sharp tongue and wit
to get with me- be alone with me- SHIT
Go ahead daddy- you take and you take
one of these days- I'm a cut off your snake
go ahead daddy- rip my clothes with your knife
I'll steal it someday and I'll cut out your life
Get that pillow off my face daddy-cause you're blocking my air
Oh fuck it-get it over with-death is better than despair.
I plot, I plan, and then procrastinate
you used the pillow on my sister and sealed your fate
I've changed my mind daddy, I want you, I need you
I look in your eyes and I hope I deceive you.
Let's meet in the dark daddy- hind the big willow trees
I will lie on the grass and you'll get what you please
So I lay in the dark on my back in the grass
Let me touch you he says- cause you got a sweet ass
As you lean in real close and undo my top button
I pull out your knife and then I start a-cuttin
oh your screams sound so pretty-as I cut and I slash
your arterial blood sprays-on my face and sweet ass
then your body goes flying -cause there ain't no speed bumps
and i laugh, god i laugh, when you roll in the swamp
I'm feeling real smart and I'll not dig a hole
I hear the sound of the alligator doing his death roll