I Do Not Write About Love
Some nights, I sip on my coffee
And scribble down words
With my ink-stained hands
Those are the nights
When I do not need the water
To feel like drowning
Because those are the nights
When my thoughts are waves
Crashing to the shore all at once–
Except, I am the shore.
I write about a lot of things
I write about the birds in the sky,
The moon, the stars, the unplanned adventures,
The silly conversations, childhood memories
I write about the mistakes I made,
Failure, regrets, loneliness,
Anxiety, depression, how pathetic I feel
But I do not write about love.
I will not write about love
Not until I stop trying
To squeeze myself into my jeans
I will not write about love
Not until I stop comparing myself
To other girls
I will not write about love
Not until I stop trying
To fix myself
I will not write about love
Not until I can look at myself
In the mirror and say,
“Hey, you may be damaged
Or even broken beyond repair
But know that
You are a masterpiece out
Out of broken things.
Despite the cuts, the permanent scars,
Your shattered heart,
You are beautiful.
So I stopped writing about love
Because I do not want
To get caught up on the idea
Of being in love
When I have already forgotten
How to love myself.