I cared
I remember…
It’s hard not to remember
The pain you put me through…
You broke my heart and my mind but yet I still care for you.
I know you’ve moved on, still standing strong…
But I’m still here in the same place right where you left me in a cold dark hole with only my thoughts and memories to be with me
then with the little sense I have left, I remember.
I remember all the wicked words that spewed out of your mouth like lava from Volcano that made my hope of a better you sizzle away.
I remember the cold look in your eyes that sent a chill so deep down my body I had no other choice but to lay there and sooth the hair bumps down my arms.
I remember the feel of your soft hands except you touched me in a hard way
I remember your insensitivity and lack of empathy when it came to my emotions and input
I remember the swiftness of your body as you turned right and left me alone
I cared about you
I cared about your mind
Your peace and soul
I cared
As time progresses maybe just maybe I will snap out of this trance
Snap out of the mindset of thinking that I need you.
I care
I remember
I cared