I Can't Stop Praising You At the Most Inopportune Times by a m king 3/24/2020
My soul echoes praises,
In the most inopportune of times.
At a sneezing in my face,
In the checkout lines.
Praise is a compulsion,
From my grateful heart to the divine.
Its fear that should be present,
But praise all fear declines.
Praise reveals God’s power,
Praise his strength alludes.
Come forth, walk like Ezra!
And God’s true word pursue!
Walking through the desert,
Filled with treacherous peril,
After seeing the backfire,
Of the wiles of the devil.
Ezra trusted God through the desert deep,
Arrived safely at Jerusalem, with nothing detrimental,
His faith was not on wordly protection,
King’s soldiers he had none.
Trust in God’s protection
And His Word is done.
Likewise face’s sterile.
The restless battle won.