I Can(t)
‘If you believe in yourself you can do it’
‘Practice makes perfect’
‘If you think you will fail you will’
‘If you think you will succeed you will’
‘Follow your dream no matter what ‘
‘We just want what you want’
‘Try harder’
‘And maybe one day
you will be more like her/him’
Ever since I was young
I would chase and follow
chase and follow
smile and grin
scream and laugh
what came from that
‘Be an I can person!’
‘If you hit rock bottom the only way is up’
‘Don’t stop smiling’
‘God will show you the way’
‘Just be yourself
and things will flow your way’
‘Make a plan and change’
Change I did
So I shut my mouth
Be quiet and silent
Smile and hide
Become invisible
Then surely no one will dislike me
Who could hate someone who is not visible?
‘Be smarter’
‘Work harder’
‘You will make it’
‘Explore the unknown’
‘Reach for the moon and even if you miss
you will land among the stars’
‘Keep going’
How long will it take to realize
that those were all lies
Just words
‘Words are powerful’
but they’re not wonderful
Words can be deceitful, harmful
Especially when they come
from the those you hold close to
“Trying is not good enough”
“You are not going to make it
at this pace”
“Look at her, why can you be more
like that”
“They seem to be doing fine, why aren’t you”
“It simply is not good enough”
“I am really disappointed in you”
Do you not remember what you said before?
‘Follow your dreams’
But I don’t have the power to
‘Do what you want’
I don’t have the money to
‘Even if you hit rock bottom the only way is up
Then why am I still falling
Why am I failing at every obstacle
thrown my way
Tripping on every crack
before me
Tumbling and crashing on everything
I ever do
Even the little success that come my way
seems to be another disappointment
Compared to my elder sisters
I am simply leftovers of their greatness
Words of motivation
no longer hold power towards me
Especially when I know what
will come after
"Worst feeling in the world is knowing you did the best you could, and it still wasn't good enough"