I Blame You
You were never there for me when I needed you the most,
Always saying you were a phone call away,
I did not want that,
I wanted you with me, in front of me, to be there to hold me,
You weren't,
So far away,
I blame you
Watching everybody else play catch or tossing a ball,
It always made me dream,
What if?
That what if never came a reality,
It was always business, business, BUSINESS!
I blame you
You chose her,
You chose your job,
You chose your pets,
Over me,
I was a child,
A teenager,
Now a man,
You weren't there for those years,
You chose to be with them,
I blame you
I'll never know what could have been,
I'll stop dreaming,
I'll stop trying to make excuses for you,
I have begun to finally move on,
Finally begun my journey on my path in life,
I have finally realized the person who you truely are,
I have begun to see what people were always telling me,
The real you,
I blame you
You never listened,
Never cared to hear my side,
You will never EVER know how I feel,
I blame you
It's hard to love someone,
It's hard to believe that I have so many worries,
Will I be able to love,
Will I be able to let someone into my life,
Will I make your mistakes,
Scared and terrified I am,
I blame you
Life isn't so easy for me,
Like you said, life doesn't owe you anything,
If life doesn't owe me anything,
Then I don't owe you anything either,
I blame you
I needed some help,
But you turned me away,
I needed that left leg,
But you turned me away,
I blame you
I am trying to make a better life for me,
I am trying to be strong,
Hopeful for the future and greatful for the life you never gave me,
I won't let you bring me down,
I won't let you try and make me feel bad,
I won't give in,
I won't,
I blame you
I'll make sure to write you a thank you note,
I'll date it,
Sign it in pen,
So long to the past and my dreams,
I won't forget you,
I won't forget the times I turned to you and you pushed me away,
I blame you
A lesson will be taught,
One for me,
And one for you,
I will move on,
Become someone you will never really know,
I will be the person you never were,
I blame you
I will be the dad you never were and never have been,
My kids will never forget me,
Never be left without a left leg,
Never be left alone,
I will teach them right from wrong,
How to love and treat someone,
How to be a great human being,
I will never let them fall,
I will be there for them whenever they need me,
I will make sure they have the opportunities you didn't give me,
I will make sure that they,
That they don't ever blame me the way I blame you,
I blame you
My life has just started a new chapter,
Right now,
That chapter is without you,
Most of my chapters have been,
I will only look forward for now on,
Never look back,
As much as I hate to say this but,
I will always love you,
I will always be greatful you gave me life,
And only life,
I blame you
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Well written, this touched me...nice job
very emphatic
understandable in terms of why you are angry with your father being absent in your life
when you least expected, he'll feel more pain as time goes and you achieve more
good thing you ended that vicious cycle by being a father to your kids
good job
check out my poems