I Am Who I Am
I am Brittany,
Who do you see?
A slut, a boyfriend stealer, annoying wannabe,
That's what mean girls see.
Who do you see?
A cool girl that's chill to hang with,
That's what the guys see.
Who do you see?
A smart, caring young lady,
That's what adults see.
Who do you see?
A kind, loving young women,
That's what my parents see.
Who do you see?
I am me.
That's what I see.
Just becuase I see doesn't mean I say,
If I were to say,
I'd say I'm silly,
I'd say I'm funny,
I'd say I am a hardworker,
I'd say I am passionate,
I'd say I am loving,
I'd say I am an animal lover,
I'd say I am a future high school graduate,
I'd say I am a future college graduate,
I'd say I am a future massage therapist,
I'd say I am whoever I want to be.
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Amazing! My name is Candace. Reading your poem made me want to reach out to you about a book of poems coming out Titled #MyStory. If you are interested in submitting a poem you can contact me at candacenicholas98@gmail.com.
Thank you,
Candace Nicholas
I love it, the feeling is real and raw.
Newborn Leader
This is so emotional, but I loved it!