I am me
I am me
Can I be me while trying to fit in this square
In your square
What society wants from me
Cannot be the same as who I am
Or who I want to be
How can It be that I must fit in my square
to make myself happy ?
Yet your square is the one holding me
Dressed for the day
staring in the mirror
Not seeing myself
Just a girl trying to perfectly fit inside the wrong square
A square of which is not me
Not who I am
Or will be
Sitting in class brave and bold.
Not making contact with any one
Will this make it better?
Will this make me
In the square you say I should be?
What gives you the right to say what square I should be ?
Was it me?
Home at last
It should be better
But no
Hide in shame
And stay in the shadow
I am me
Who else could I be
I am never me
My square has been pushed and shoved to fit in the mass
Is this who I want to be?
But to break out is to defy the square
How can I be afraid of a place
But its not the square I fear
It is the rejection you face me in sight of
Who are you to strike fear in me ?
I will allow it no more
For I am me