I am Girl
I am Female.
I am Girl.
I am Woman.
I am large hips,
I am tiny waist,
I am large chest,
I am stereotype.
I am pretty face,
I am beauty.
Why, because
don't think
I have problems,
can I not speak out?
Why does my body,
Why do my choices,
"take away from
the overall message
of feminism!?"
Does my interest in makeup,
my temporary art,
make me less of
a "real Woman?"
am I fake?
Do you think
I spend time in the mornings
for anyone
but myself?
Do you think I feel
any different from you,
big or small as you may be,
also Woman,
when the Men,
at least 8 years older,
call at me,
like an animal?
Hearing what they'd
like to do to me,
that they want to
get me behind closed doors.
I am not interested.
Do you think I enjoy,
live to be objectified,
live to be afraid
of other people?
Just people!
just like me!
but they are Man.
They are different.
I want the same
that you want.
do not
tell me that
my feminine shape
is because
of my skin color.
do not
tell me my struggle
is a "black thing"
I am woman.
I am not less feminine,
any stronger,
because of the
pigment of
my skin.
do not
tell me
it isn't
a feminine problem.
do not
tell me
I am taking away
from the point.
do not
dismiss me,
or tell me it isn't real,
because you don't
understand it,
or because it does not
happen to you.
We are all Woman.
We all wish for
when walking home
from the store
that night
on that empty road.
We are all Woman,
when we bleed,
and don't know why,
or we thought
we were too young.
We are all Woman
when the guy
you don't like
puts his
hands on you,
and you say no
he keeps going anyway,
And you hurt because
no one has ever touched
you there, not even yourself.
We are all Woman
when we fall in love,
but our minds
are too strong,
and our tongues
too sharp
to be the object of his
and you try to change,
but you can't,
and he leaves you,
and you're broken.
We are all Woman,
when your dad
doesn't know how
to handle his
little girl
growing up
so he pushes her
We are all Woman
when you dress modest,
you show nothing,
but they boys still
try to look up your
ankle-length skirt
as you walk.
we are all Woman.
we all struggle,
And I am scared.
I am Girl.