Who am I? I AM an African American Male in the 21st Century
I am not a walking target
I am strong and I have power
I am growing and learning blossuming like a flower
I am what society despises of me
I am educated and powerful, Is it hard to see?
I may look different with more pigment in my skin
But everyone should realize that we are the same within
Are we living in the dream of Martin Luther King
Is this what he meant by letting freedom ring
From Trayvon Martin, to Sandra Bland
Will we remain to let innocent black bodies lay cold in the sand
I embrace my blackness
With blackness comes power
With power comes success
And with success comes a dinisty
I AM who I AM becuase of who I was
I am not on the streets and I am not a thug
I did not fall into the trap of society
I define myself as Authenitc
I am true to myself
I am a Leader and not a follower
I am the Head and not the Tail
I am in charge of my destiny and determine when to set sail
I am an African-American teen in America